Friday, December 2, 2016

Blog Stage 7 Vaccines

I believe that the government  should implement mandatory vaccinations. If these are not met than there should be real consequences including jail time or fines. Many people are scared of vaccines. One reason is that a severe allergic reaction could occur. It’s 1 in a million chance of this reaction and thats about the same as getting struck by lightening. People also believe that medical decisions should not be made by the government, but by the parent or guardians. Medical doctors know what is best because it is their area of study, and what they have dedicated their life to understanding.
Knowledge on what a vaccine is and how it works is very important to understanding this medical need.  According to Merriam-Websters dictionary a vaccine is, “the introduction into humans or domestic animals of microorganisms that have previously been treated to make them harmless for the purpose of inducing the development of immunity,” They work by allowing your body to create antibodies to harmless viruses. Then when the full virus attacks your body already has a specific army ready to fight the disease.According to the CDC hundreds of thousands of people used to be infected and thousands died every year from these diseases. These vaccinations have given society protection. Some of the disease that have vaccines may not seem that bad and have mild symptoms. We are mostly vaccinated to keep these diseases from spreading to older people young children or people with compromised immune systems. Vaccines protect our population because when vaccinated from a disease then it protects your grandmother, yourself, your neighbors kids, etc. People who don’t believe in vaccination should watch a video of a baby with pertussis, its traumatic they choke on their own mucus until their airway is blocked. Another argument is how pharmaceutical companies want to make money and that is why they push vaccines. If children were actually infected with the disease it would make much more money for the companies. Vaccines are quick and inexpensive whereas a hospital stay is very expensive. The world health organization says the deaths from measles are down by 79% worldwide because of vaccines. Some symptoms seem like the flu or a cold but the real fear is how contagious it is. These viruses are not extinct our society has eradicated them from America. Vaccines are for the next generations. People have not had to witness the horrors of some of these diseases and they don't understand how much simpler it is to get a shot.
Once again as with many of the controversial issue the most important thing about mandatory vaccines is knowledge. A class or orientation about them and the effects not having these vaccines could produce could also be mandatory. We need to teach our kids that the government does care and medicine is here to help.


Aubrey Reedy said...

The blog that my classmate posted about how the government should implement mandatory vaccines is really spot on in my opinion. I agree with what was said “If these are not met than there should be real consequences including jail time or fines.” I agree with this 100%!! People should stop being scared of vaccinations and actually think about the good it is doing for you. Vaccines have a shield ready so that way when something bad happens it is ready to fight. It is also a good thing to know that without those vaccines many people have died from them….I know I would rather get a vaccine then it actually leading to death. Like my classmate said “These vaccinations have given society protection.” Vaccines cost way less then actually going to hospital and sitting there wishing you actually spent the money to get a vaccine. So again I totally agree that the government should implement mandatory vaccinations. It just makes more sense. It is there to help not hurt! Definitely a good read, really enjoyed this post and more people should really start to think about it.

Shannon Adaway said...

As a nurse, I know how important vaccines are to the population. With that being said, I agree with your concern on the matter. It should absolutely be mandatory to vaccinate your children in order to save the ones that cannot be vaccinated. Let me explain...
When a child is not vaccinated, they are largely putting other children at risk for diseases that should no longer exist. Children who are immunocompromised, meaning their immune system is weak, cannot receive some vaccines. For example, children undergoing chemo, children who are too young, or those with AIDS/HIV. Vaccines will do more harm for these children than good, but with other children around them being vaccinated there is a decreased chance of them contracting anything.
The stigma behind vaccines is much more than a fear of an allergic reaction. It all began with Andrew Wakefield, a man who made a (FALSE) connection between the MMR vaccine and autism. Mothers with autistic children then made the connection, telling themselves, "my child got vaccines and my child is must have been the vaccine!" Well, in the infamous words of Trump, WRONG. There have been no studies done; no evidence base for this accusation, yet many people follow behind this idea.

Going back to your idea of education, well thats exactly my job! Many patients that I have had in the past will refuse vaccines, and often times it is due to this stigma, but a little bit of education can go a long way. I provide people with the truth about vaccines in an attempt to eliminate the notion that they are bad, and hopefully the rumors will begin to fade. Hopefully we will see a day when vaccines are mandatory (in many cases they already are), and we will start seeing diseases and viruses go extinct along with the stigma.