The main point of Yady Garcia’s original editorial is that society needs to be more involved in government. Mostly to save the planet because global warming and environmental issues are very real and important. The evidence that this author uses includes information about a bill promoting access to the Keystone Pipeline. Then she states how Obama vetoed this bill. There are also some statements about scientists and their research. I personally don't think there is enough supportive evidence. I believe adding some statistics, some research quotes from reliable qualified scientists, or some direct evidence on climate change would have made the argument stronger. The presented evidence is consistent with the article, but in my opinion is not sufficient enough for me to judge the article. I need some more concrete insight into how global warming is effecting society including facts in the form of data and measurements. I agree with the world view that the author present’s, but Yady Garcia needs to consider the other side. By doing this I mean that an understanding of why some people do not think the environment needs help or even that global warming is not real. These are the people that need to be convinced so that change can occur. I already agree with the article, which is why it is so interesting for me to read. I completely agree we need to be more involved in government to make changes that will effect our world. I am terrified that our new president is planning on appointing Myron Ebell to head the EPA transition team and this man believes global warming is “silly.” This is one example of a person who would not agree. There are also many people in society that think the same way as this individual. These people would need a stronger argument with more proof to come to an insightful conclusion.
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