Friday, October 21, 2016

Stage Four Blog Criticism

          During the final presidential debate on Wednesday October 19, 2016 Donald Trump called Hillary a “nasty woman.” There have been many comments about this statement on social media, mainstream media, and political blogs. The article “What Donald Trump Really Meant When He Said“Nasty Woman”,” by Emily Peck ultimately explains the meaning most women heard. The authors intended audience includes the American public especially women who were offended. Emily Peck’s credibility is that she is an editor at the Huffington Post and has previously worked for the Wall Street Journal and The American Lawyer magazine. Another asset to her credibility is that she is a woman and can write this article from an average American woman’s perspective.
The main claim of Emily’s argument is that Trump meant “bitch” when he said “nasty woman.” The Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines the word “bitch” in two ways. The first one is “a lewd or immoral woman and the second is a malicious, spiteful, or overbearing woman —sometimes used as a generalized term of abuse.” Both of these have negative connotations and are not appropriate for an educated man to call a professional woman. The evidence the author uses points out the way women have been treated throughout history. To support her argument she uses quotes from a writer Andy Zeisler and his opinions about Hillary he wrote in The New York Times.  The other evidence is how the American public feels about this quote including personal twitter tweets. The logic of the author can best be observed with a quote from the article, “Bitch is a gendered slur, meant to shame and silence women who dare speak up for themselves.”
I agree with this article, but I do not think there was enough evidence. It is mostly an angry rant. I also believe this behavior is wrong even if the roles were reversed. Donald has an extensive history of insulting women. This can be examined from many sources online including all sorts of news, personal websites, even a sexism tracker. Hillary has notoriously been sexually harassed and treated badly for years. It has only has gotten worse since she decided to run for president. One of these people will represent America as its top leader. This fact is laughable considering one has a bad attitude and the other one a bad reputation.

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